Friday, November 28, 2008

World Cup 1 Winterberg 2008

17th! My worst result for a couple of seasons! But I have rationalised a reason, in that preparation is key, and so many things have to come together for a podium finish! You need to have a performance routine which gives consistency and a momentum to your competitions. I think I know what I need to do!
A positive was a great start of 5.02, which shows my approach to my physical training has been working well! I remain optimistic of some better results in the races to come!
The picture is of my sled and helmet with my main sponsors branded on! Very smart! I've just updated my website (click on the link on the right to have a look!) And also some other great news is that Skeleton is back on Eurosport! It's shown live, so hopefully you can watch my next races on TV!?

Saturday, November 01, 2008

British Selection Race 2 Cesana 2008

4th place! And 2nd overall, so I've qualified for the World Cup team! I'll take the result, but I was pretty lucky; and unlucky in the same breath! On the morning of the first two runs we were competing at 7.45 and it was snowing! Maybe it was the early morning or the extra cold, but I pulled my back warming up! I was quite pleased with my reaction - I was in tears! It showed how much qualifying for the Olympics means to me, as a bad result here would mean missing out on vital training at the new Vancouver track this season and chances of success at The Games would have also diminished!
Once again it was extremely close! And I was lucky that Andy Wood had a tough time of things which enabled me to pip him to the 4th spot. Chris Type performed extremely well, beating Adam Pengilly to 2nd place, with Kristan winning overall. The picture shows Skeleton can sometimes give you some bumps! Sean Dunstan with a nasty ice burn, luckily he's one of the Navy Skeleton team so was tough enough to slide again that same day!
Amy Williams and Shelley Rudman are on the girls World Cup team, so I'm looking forward to heading out to Lake Placid with them next week for training on the 2009 World Championship track! In the mean time some quality injury management is need back home in Britain to look after my back and be fighting fit for the season!